ISSN 2306-4099

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Поволжская археология

The Volga River Region Archaeology Vol.1 (7) 2014



Historiographical thoughts in connection with the anniversary of Vladimir Fedorovich Geningpage 6–25

Melnikova О.M.

V.F. Gening and research problems of the glyadenovo-pyanoborye times in the Cis-Urals regionpage 26–45

Goldina R.D.

On the dwellings of the Glyadenovskaya culture and some aspects of adaptation to natural conditions and features of economic activities by the ancient Permians(back to V.F. Gening’s researches during the middle of XX century)page 46–68

Chernykh E.M.

Preliminary results of the Nyrgyndinsky II cemetery researches according to Gening's excavationspage 69–91

Zhuravleva G.N.

«Sacrificial sets» of the Pyanoborye burial grounds in the Vyatka river basinpage 92–113

Leshchinskaya N.А.

Evolution of V.F. Gening’s views and other researcher’s ones on the Mazuninskaya culturepage 114–135

Ostanina T.I.

V.F. Gening and issues on the archaeology of Volga Bulgariapage 136–148

Rudenko K.A.

Archaeological-ethnological researches in Udmurtiapage 149–165

Shutova N.I.

Isker – Kuchum fortifi ed settelment (archaeological research of 1968)page 166–193

Ovchinnikova B.B.

V.F. Gening and Russian archaeological sites in the Vyatka river regionpage 194–205

Makarov L.D.

Bronze amulet from Sidakpage 206–222

Smagulov E.A.

Question mark shaped earrings from Danube Bulgaria(the XIII–XIV cc.): origin and area of spreadpage 223–232

Vladimirov G.V.

Concerning the issue on attribution of the Golden Horde placues from the mound ground the Malyaevka-Vpage 233–246

Isakov R.V, Afon’kov N.N., Arkhangelsky M.S., Pavlenko Ju.A., Sheremet’ev A.G.

Archaeology and Natural Sciences

Evolution of soils and natural environment in the south area of the east european forest-steppe (on example investigation of the hill-forts located in Kharkov oblast)page 247–267

Koloda V.V., Chendev Yu.G., Borbukova D.A., Dudin D.I.

Critique and Bibliography

Review of the book: Goldina R.D. The Nevolino cemetery of the VII–IX cc. in the Perm Cis-Urals region. Proceedings and researches of the Kama-Vyatka archaeological expedition. Izhevsk, 2012, vol. 21, 472 p., 268–274

Bogachev A.V.


Research activity by National Center of Archaeological studies of Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences in 2013page 275–283

Sitdikov A.G., Shakirov Z.G.

In memory of S.S. Aydarov (1928–2014)page 284–286

Khuzin F.Sh., Sitdikov A.G., Aydarova G.N., Zabirova F.M, Nugmanova G.G., Khabibulin M.M.

Ravil Gabdrakhmanovich Fakhrutdinov (1937–2014)page 287–290

Kazakov E.P., Izmaylov I.L.