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Archive » The Volga River Region Archaeology Vol.2 (44) 2023
Golden Horde Monuments in Stavropol Region in Scientific Work of A.A. Spitsyn
Babenko V.A., Kolesnikova M.E. (Stavropol, Russian Federation)
page 221–235UDC 902/904 (470.630)
The article describes the events of 1906 related to the publishing of the results of several accidental discoveries from the Golden Horde age in the Stavropol Governorate area by A.A. Spitsyn. In 1887 and 1890, the Imperial Archaeological Commission received several accidental findings from the nearby area of Roguly, Kievsky, Zdvizhensky, Beshpagir villages and the tract of Gashun Usta. A.A. Spitsyn published the most important ones in 1906. The article presents the materials from the archives of the Institute for Material Culture History first published by the researcher. The bronze mirrors from the nearby areas of the Roguly and Beshpagir villages are made public for the first time. Materials from the archive allowed to determine the contents of the findings from the “Koltsov” mound and the mound of the Yun-baba mountain. The authors attempt to localize most of the listed findings. The published materials also add to the already existing knowledge of the culture of the inhabitants of Stavropol Plateau in the age of the Golden Horde reign.
archaeologyStavropol Governoratecountymoundtreasure huntingchalicebraceletmirrorhistorical monuments of the Golden HordeA.A. Spitsyn
About the author(s)
Babenko Vitaly A. North-Caucasus Federal University. Pushkin str., 1, Stavropol, 355017, Russian Federation;
Kolesnikova Marina Y. Doctor of Historical Sciences. Professor. North-Caucasus Federal University. Pushkin str., 1, Stavropol, 355017, Russian Federation;