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Поволжская археология

The Volga River Region Archaeology Vol.2 (4) 2013


On the anniversary of archaeologist (Yu.A. Zeleneev is 60 years old)page 6–10

Zelentsova O.V., Sitdikov A.G.


Some problems of early neolithic of forest belts of the Middle Volgapage 11–17

Nikitin V.V.

Cultural components of the Ust-Vetluzhsky burialpage 18–39

Solov’ev B.S.

Initial period of investigation the Late Bronze and Early Iron ages in Volga-Kama area. Field studiespage 40–63

Chizhevsky A.A.

Initial period of investigation the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Volga-Kama area. Office analytical studiespage 64–103

Chizhevsky A.A.

Early Sarmatian knightpage 104–125

Yablonsky L.T.

Underkurgan paleosoils of the Lower Volga steppes as indicators of climate dynamics during historical timepage 126–142

Demkin V.A., Demkina T.S., Khomutova T.E., Yeltsov M.V., Udaltsov S.N., Kashirskaya N.N.

The funeral rite of teshskaya group of Mordovian burials in III–VII centuriespage 143–150

Stavitsky V.V.

Waist pouches/bags from medieval burial places of the Vetluga-Vyatka interfluve areapage 151–161

Nikitina T.B.

Settling of the mordovians in the IIIrd – the early XIIIth centuriespage 162–170

Vikhlyaev V.I.

Reflection of social stratification in funeral ceremonialism of nomads of steppe Ciscaucasia in the Golden Horde time: discussion continuationpage 171–178

Chkhaidze V.N., Druzhinina I.A.

The problem of formation of the Golden Horde’s «imperial culture» and its role as an area-forming factor for peoples of the Ural-Volga regionpage 179–188

Ivanov V.A.

Nomads in Bulgar Ulus of the Golden Horde (according to archeology)page 189–211

Rudenko K.A.


Archaeological research of the «Bolnichny bugor» of the Selitrennoe settlement in 2006–2009page 212–251

Valiev R.R., Pigarev E.M., Mukhamadiev A.G., Sitdikov A.G.

Trading stock from the Bolgar settlementpage 252–258

Poluboyarinova M.D.

A hoard from the Uvek settlement (accidental find in 1994)page 259–271

Kubankin D.A., Sergeeva O.V.

Subject collection of burial ground «Kukshylidy» in the funds of the Chuvash national museum (on materials of excavations by P.P. Efimenko in 1926)page 272–278

Fedulov M.I., Volkov A.V.

The funeral ware of the Tikhvinsky necropolis of the Tsarevokokshaisk: preliminary results of the studypage 279–290

Vorob’eva E.E., Kalygina Zh.S.

Body’s crosses of Tsarevokokshaisk necropolises (to the question of systematization)page 291–298

Vorob’eva E.E., Ivanova Yu.N.

Investigations on the settlement Kashan I in 2012page 299–306

Shigapov M.B.