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Поволжская археология

The Volga River Region Archaeology Vol.1 (39) 2022


Vol.1 (39) 2022page 1–250

Traditions and Innovations’ in Housebuilding of the Later Volosovo Population of the Mari Volga Regionpage 8–16

Vorobeva E.E. (Kazan, Russian Federation)

Non-Ferrous Metal Products of the Monument Serny Klyuch in the Mountains of the Middle Uralspage 17–33

Borzunov V.A. (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation), Kuzminykh S.V. (Moscow, Russian Federation)

The Copper Smelting Furnace at the Novotemirsky Ancient Minepage 34–48

Ankusheva P.S., Ankushev M.N. (Miass, Russian Federation), Alaeva I.P. (Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation), Fomichev A.V. (Orsk, Russian Federation), Blinov I.A., Artemiev D.A. (Miass, Russian Federation)

The Burials of the Bronze Age of the II Burial Mound near the Village Vtoroe Imangulovo (Orenburg Pre-Urals)page 49–60

Kuptsova L.V., Evgenyev A.A. (Orenburg, Russian Federation)

Children’s Burials of the Srubnaya Culture in the Southern Urals. Research in the Age Groups and Stages of Children Socializationpage 61–70

Berseneva N.A. (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)

The Ageyevsky Burial Mound of the Late Bronze Age in the Bashkir Trans-Urals page 71–86

Vasiliev V.N. (Bonn, Germany), Ismagil R., Rafikova Ya.V. (Ufa, Russian Federation)

The Ornamentation System of Ceramic Vessels of the Pozdnyakovo Culture in the Late Bronze Age on the Territory of the Volga-Oka Right Bankpage 87–103

Shvetsova A.A. (N. Novgorod, Russian Federation)

Late Bronze Age Metal Items from Tatarsky-Azibey III Site in the Mouth of the Belaya Riverpage 104–117

Lyganov A.V. (Kazan, Russian Federation), Morozov V.V., Smirnov A.L. (Moscow, Russian Federation), Khramchenkova R.Kh. (Kazan, Russian Federation)

Necropol Gazigulu – Late Bronze–Early Iron Ages Site of the Khojaly-Gedabey Archaeological Culture in Bassin of Tovuzchay Riverpage 118–129

Najafov Sh.N. (Baku, Azerbaijan)

Grave Monuments in South–Eastern End of the South Caucasus: Late Bronze – Early Iron Age Kurganspage 130–144

Agalarzade A.M. (Baku, Azerbaijan)

Origin of the Scythians of the Northern Black Sea Region: Issues, Hypotheses and Prospectspage 145–158

Dobrovolskyi L.S., Sydykov E.B., Umitkaliev U.U., Kazhenova G.T. (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)

Stone Hammers of Ananyino Cultural and Historical Areapage 159–177

Chizhevsky A.A. (Kazan, Russian Federation)

Archaeozoological Complex of the Makaryevskoye Hillfortpage 178–189

Asylgaraeva G.Sh., Orudzhov E.I., Starkov A.S. (Kazan, Russian Federation)

The Golden Plate with the Picture of the Horned Animal from the Northern Altai: the Traditions of Animal Style and the Artistic Experiment page 190–203

Golovchenko N.N., Demin M.A. (Barnaul, Russian Federation)

On the Spread of the Tradition of Artificial Deformation of the Scull on the Northern Outskirts of the Volga-Urals (the Bronze and Early Iron Ages) page 204–220

Khokhlov A.A. (Samara, Russian Federation), Gazimzyanov I.R. (Kazan, Russian Federation), Stashenkov D.A. (Samara, Russian Federation)

To the Question about Burial Constructions of the Kudash I Burial Groundpage 221–231

Kazantseva O.A., Suntsova N.Yu. (Izhevsk, Russian Federation)

UAV Lidar for Investigation Archaeology Sites in European Part of Russian Federationpage 232–246

Novikov V.V. (Moscow, Russian Federation)

List of Abbreviations page 247–249