ISSN 2306-4099
e-ISSN 2500-2856
Address: 30 Butlerov str., Kazan, 420012, Russian Federation
Теl.: +7 (843) 236-55-42.
Research in the type of economy and lifestyle of the Volga-Manych steppe population in the Bronze Age: controversial issuespage 4–51
Ochir-Goryaeva M.А.
Investigation of the Bronze Age sites in the estuarine trans-Kama river areapage 52–82
Chizhevskiy A.A., Lyganov A.V.
Funeral sites of the beginning of the Late Bronze age in the estuarine Trans-Kama river areapage 83–103
Lyganov A.V., Chizhevskiy A.A., Valiev R.R., Eremin I.O.
Barrow of Arzhan-1, the Volga-Kama region and the Northern Caucasus: unobvious communicationspage 104–113
Smirnov N.Yu.
Ust’-Nechkinskiy fortified settlements in the Middle Kama region during the Ananyino culture (topography, layout, inventory)page 114–135
Perevozchikova S.A., Chernykh Е.M.
The Bolgary IX settlement – a site of the Ananyino finale in the vicinity of Permpage 136–159
Vasilyeva A.V., Korenyuk S.N., Pereskokov M.L.
Appearance and chronology of Textile ceramics in the Middle and Upper Volga region: critical comparison of conventional 14C-, AMS- and typological chronologiespage 160–188
Lavento M., Patrushev V.S.
New data on the city and the environs of Saksinpage 189–267
Vasil‘ev D.V.
Activities of the society of archaeology, history and ethnography on Bolgar hillfort site in the late XIX – early XIX centuriespage 268–277
Persova S.G.
“You burned out in mid-sentence…” (A.S. Smirnov in history of Russian archaeology)page 278–312
Kuzminykh S.V., Sorokin A.N.
Cultural and chronological complexes of the Murzikha IV site in the Lower Kama river regionpage 313–325
Shipilov A.V.
Sword of the early sarmatian period from the Ik-Zay interfluvepage 326–332
Izmailov I.L.