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Теl.: +7 (843) 236-55-42.
Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya (The Volga River Region Archaeology) supports Open Access model of distribution of scientific knowledge and offers free access to electronically published materials.
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Tel.: +7 (843) 236-55-42
All volumes of the journal are submitted to the libraries of different academic centers of the world. We keep working on increasing visibility of our periodical. Currently, the print version is available in the following academic libraries:
The Library of Institute for the History of Material Culture (St.-Petersburg, Russian Federation)
The Library of of Institute of Archaeology and Etnography, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)
The Library of of Institute of Archaeology of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russian Federation)
The Library of Institute of Archaeology of the Crimea (Simferopol, Russian Federation)
Heidelberg University Library (Heidelberg, Germany)
The Eurasia Department’s library of German Archaeological Institute (Berlin, Germany)
Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum, Forschungsinstitut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte (Mainz, Germany)
Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie Bibliothek (Bonn, Germany)
The Library of Institute of Byzantine Studies, College de France (Paris, France)
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichita e del Vicino Oriente (Venice, Italy)
Central Library of Charles University (Praha, Czech Republic)
The Library of Institute of Archaeology of the CAS (Brno, Czech Republic)
The Library of Institute of Archaeology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest, Hungary)
Varna Archaeology Museum Library (Varna, Bulgaria)
Central Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria)
The Library of Institute of Archaeology “Vasile Pârvan” (Bucharest, Romania)
The Library of the National Museum of History of Moldova (Kishinev, Moldova)
Odessa Archaeology Museum Library (Odessa, Ukraine)
The Library of Donetsk Museum (Donetsk, Ukraine)