ISSN 2306-4099

e-ISSN 2500-2856

SCOPUS WoS WoS Высшая Аттестационная Комиссия (ВАК)
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Поволжская археология

Consideration of Manuscripts

1. Upon receipt of the manuscript, the authors shall receive a confirmation thereof within 7 days.

2. Within one month, the editors shall inform the author about the results of the review, any required improvements and plans regarding the publication.

3. The editor shall reserve the right to reject a manuscript that fails to meet the requirement or the topic.

4. Should the manuscript be rejected, the editors shall send a motivated letter to the author.

5. The editors shall be entitled to apply scientific and/or stylistic proofreading of all received manuscripts, and cut them. However, every such action shall be agreed with the author.

6. The authors shall receive a pdf-version of their paper for approval. Please note that only such improvements shall be accepted at this stage, which will not have a significant impact on the layout of the prepared article.

7. After the paper is admitted for print, no major additions or changes will be allowed. Should the author wish to make changes, the manuscript may be postponed until the next volume.

8. The date of submission is the date when the editor receives the final version of the manuscript for publication.

9. Authors of published papers shall receive a free print copy of the journal. Electronic version of the journal is accessible on

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