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Archive » The Volga River Region Archaeology Vol.2 (4) 2013
A hoard from the Uvek settlement (accidental find in 1994)
Kubankin D.A., Sergeeva O.V.
page 259–271DOI:
A hoard of pottery, metal lamps, mirrors and a lampad, accidentally discovered on the Uvek settlement site in 1994 is made public. The pottery items are represented by three Qashan pottery bowls with underglaze painting and a red-clay jug. The two bronze lamps demonstrate the nearest analogy to those found on the Tsarev fortified settlement site and belong to the type that was spread in the Golden Horde cities. The copper lampad is a product of Byzantine circle, also common in Russia. The two bronze mirrors were imported from China or were made according to Chinese tradition. The objects bear traces of a fire. The authors have concluded that the assemblage had belonged to a wealthy who resided in the Russian Christian quarter. The items were probably concealed in the 1360s as a result of the tragic events associated with the start of the “Great troubles” in the Golden Horde.
archaeologythe Lower Volga river regionthe Golden Horde periodthe city of Uvekhoardpotterylampslampadbronze mirrorsChristian quarterthe “Great troubles” period
About the author(s)
Kubankin Dmitriy A. Saratov Regional Museum of Local Lore. Lermontov St., 34, Saratov, 410000, Russian Federation;
Sergeeva Oksana V. Candidate of Historical Sciences. Engels Museum of Local Lore. M. Gorky St., 4, Engels, 413100, Saratov Oblast, Russian Federation;