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Поволжская археология

The Volga River Region Archaeology Vol.1 (31) 2020


Areas Populated by the Finno-Ugric Peoples on the Basis of Archaeological Data

Turbinella Pyrum Shell Items аt Eurasian Archaeological Sites (the 3rd Millennium BС – 9th Century AD)page 8–22

Goldina R.D., Yasakov V.S. (Izhevsk, Russian Federation)

The Pyany Bor Culture Population of the Lower Kama Region According to Osteometric Data (Stariy Chekmak Burial Ground)page 23–35

Volkova E.V. (Kazan, Russian Federation), Kufterin V.V. (Moscow, Russian Federation)

New Finds in South-Eastern Karelia: evidence of ethnic-cultural contacts in medieval culture (on materials of the settlement of Ikshozero I)page 36–42

German K.E., Kochkurkina S.I. (Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation)

Trade Relations of the Population of the Far North in the 11th – 14th Centuriespage 43–58

Kardash O.V. (Surgut, Russian Federation), Gaidakova Z.G. (Nefteyugansk, Russian Federation)

Alexander Avgustinovich Krotkov – the First Researcher of the Golden Horde City of Mohshypage 59–69

Ikonnikov D.S. (Penza, Russian Federation), Baisheva M.I. (Spassk, Penza Region, Russian Federation)

Combs with Horse Head in Western Siberia During the 16th – 19th Centuriespage 70–80

Balyunov I.V. (Tobolsk, Russian Federation)

The study of monuments of the Primitive Era in the Urals and Kazakhstan

Eneolithic and Bronze Age Burials Grounds in European Northeast of Russia: Question оf Attribution page 81–97

Karmanov V.N. (Syktyvkar, Russian Federation)

Non-Ferrous Metal of Early Alakul (Petrovka) Culture of Bronze Age in Central Kazakhstanpage 98–116

Degtyareva A.D. (Tyumen, Russian Federation), Kuzminykh S.V. (Moscow, Russian Federation), Loman V.G., Kukushkin I.A., Kukushkin A.I., Dmitriev E.A. (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)

Anthropomorphic “Dolls” in the Funeral Rites of Kulevchi VI Burial Groundpage 117–123

Vinogradov N.B. (Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation)

Local Features in the Decoration of the Mound Space of the Burial Monuments of Petrovka Culturepage 124–134

Fricke P.A. (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)

Weapons and Equipment of a Horse from the Necropolis of Karakabаpage 135–145

Chotbaev A.E. (v. Katonkaragai, Kazakhstan)

Archaezoological studies

Animals in a Burial Rite of the Population of the Lower Kama Region in the First Half of the 1st Millennium AD (based on materials from Gulyukovo Burial Ground)page 146–166

Bugrov D.G., Asylgaraeva G.Sh. (Kazan, Russian Federation)

Ivolginsk Xiongnu Fortress in Transbaikalia: archaeozoological research (based on excavations 2017) page 167–183

Klementiev A.M. (Irkutsk, Russian Federation), A. Simukhin (Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation), Burova V.V. (Irkutsk, Russian Federation), Prokopets S.D. (Vladivostok, Russian Federation)

Subsistence Practices of the Population at the Yeniseysk Town in the 17th – 19th Centuries (based on osteological materials from the Balandin mansion)page 184–196

Bachura O.P., Lobanova T.V. (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation), Vizgalov G.P. (Surgut, Russian Federation), Martynovich N.V. (Kaliningrad, Russian Federation), D.O. Gimranov (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)


The Main Information About Scientific Activity Institute of Archaeology Named After A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences in 2019page 197–216

Bocharov S.G., Sitdikov A.G., Asylgaraeva G.Sh. (Kazan, Russian Federation)

4th International Congress of the Medieval Archaeology of Eurasian Steppespage 217–226

Sitdikov A.G. (Kazan, Russian Federation), Bazarov B.A., Gombozhapov A.D., Nolev E.V. (Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation), Krasilnikov P.V. (Kazan, Russian Federation)

“I Only Dream Peace”: for the anniversary of E.M. Chernykhpage 227–233

Perevozchikova S.A. (Izhevsk, Russian Federation), Kuzminykh S.V. (Moscow, Russian Federation), Chizhevsky A.A. (Kazan, Russian Federation)

For the Anniversary of Svetlana Igorevna Valiulinapage 234–238

Nuretdinova A.R., Khuzin F.Sh. (Kazan, Russian Federation)

“Such a Known and Mysterious Bulgar...” (for the Anniversary of Lilia Yavorskaya) page 239–244

Antipina E.E. (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Valery Vasilievich Grishakov (1963–2019)page 245–247

Sedyshev O.V. (Saransk, Russian Federation)

List of Abbreviations