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Поволжская археология

The Volga River Region Archaeology Vol.2 (16) 2016


Research and publications

Muslim Archaeology: Scope and Content of the Concept page 8–17

A.G. Sitdikov, I.L. Izmailov (Kazan, Russian Federation)

The Islamic Orient and the Development of Material Culture of Muscovy: Evaluation Methods page 18–43

Belyaev L.A. (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Cult Monuments in the Golden Horde: Origin and Tradition page 44–67

E.D. Zilivinskaya (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Archaeology and Islam in the Middle Volga Region in 10th – first third of 13th centuries: an experience of a complex analysis page 68–92

I.L. Izmailov (Kazan, Russian Federation)

The Ensemble of the Central Square of Sauran City-Site, 14th – 16th Centuriespage 93–119

E.A. Smagulov (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

Mosques of Сaffa (Kefe) City in 1340–1779 page 120–137

S.G. Bocharov (Simferopol, Russian Federation)

Mihrab of the Mosque in Sheikh-Coy page 138–150

V.P. Kirilko (Simferopol, Russian Federation)

New Studies on the Territory of Malyi Gorodok on Bolgar Fortifi ed Settlement page 151–163

Belyaev L.A., Elkina I.I., Lazukin A.V. (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Krasny Yar Hillfort and its Environs page 164–181

E.М. Pigarev (Kazan, Russian Federation)

Two Towns in the Lower Volga Region on the Mappa Mundi, 1457 page 182–192

I.V. Volkov (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Some Findings of the Study of Pre-Mongolian Strata of Bolgar Fortifi ed Settlement on Digs CLXXII and CLXXVI in 2012 page 193–218

Baranov V.S. , Gubaidullin A.M. (Kazan, Russian Federation)

Mellya-Tamak VI Settlement of Chiyalik Culture page 219–243

E.P. Kazakov, A.A. Chizhevsky, A.V. Lyganov (Kazan, Russian Federation)

Postcranial Skeleton Morphology of the Population of Bolgar (by materials from dig CXCI) page 244–259

Makarova E.M., Sitdikov A.G. Bocharov S.G. (Simferopol, Russian Federation)

Gold Temporal Rings with a Small Duck from the Perm Cis-Urals page 260–269

A.M. Belavin (Perm, Russian Federation)

Criticism and bibliography

Book Review: E.D. Zilivinskaya. Architecture of the Golden Horde. Part 1. Cult Monuments. Moscow; Kazan: “Otechestvo” Publ., 2014. 228 p.,+ 220 p., ill. page 270–277

F.Sh. Khuzin (Kazan, Russian Federation)


V Scientific Workshop “International Archaeological and Natural Scientifi c Studies on Cultural Sites: Bolgar and Sviyazhsk” page 278–284

A.V. Belyaev , R.R. Valiev , A.G. Sitdikov (Kazan, Russian Federation)

Gherman Fyodorov-Davydov (1931–2000) page 285–291

Yu.A. Zeleneev (Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation)